By: Michelle Guevara
Online Facilitator
As we sat on the porch of the cabin, Kathe's words astonished me, "Michelle, some journals are meant to be burned." As someone who loves writing and the formation of words, I could not understand the method to her madness. Why would I burn pages of words that flowed from my heart through my pen? It just made no sense to me. But my dear mentor explained, "There are moments where God walks with you through hard circumstances. Moments where your emotions are so raw, that only Jesus can understand and see the beauty through the pain. If outsiders read your words, they would question your walk, but not Jesus. He understands." Writing is a tangible way for us to process what is going on in our hearts. When we are struggling to forgive someone, we can say repeatedly in our heads, "I forgive, I forgive, I forgive." And yet still stumble when we see this person, hear their voice or have the offense replayed in our minds. Let's face it, forgiveness is hard. But we know from our memory verse this week in Ephesians 4:32 that God calls us to forgive others QUICKLY and THOROUGHLY just as He has forgiven us.
If you find yourself struggling to forgive the actions of another, I want you to try something. Go out and purchase a cheap composition notebook. It does not need to be pretty, just small enough that you can tote it with you each day. When you first start the journal, use it as an open conversation with God. Write how much this person has hurt you, how hard it is to find forgiveness or your desire to just let go of this bitterness from your heart. Keep going to Jesus every single time you are wrestling with forgiving someone else. As you use the journal in a tangible way to walk the path of forgiveness, try writing the following when this person comes to mind:
"I forgive ... for .... I no longer hold them by the throat but I release them and hold out open hands for You to take away my hurt, bitterness and anger. Fill me, Jesus, with Your love, peace and strength as I walk this path of forgiveness."
Some pages may be gritty. But the process is necessary. And once you have released this person or offense, strike a match my dear. It is time to see the beauty for ashes unfold in front of your very eyes. Just like a fire consumes quickly and thoroughly, God's love and mercy does the same in our lives and the lives of others. Continue to become a woman who loves and forgives...
I really appreciate this writing. So many times I have heard "Just Let It Go and Forgive" but never understood how to let it go. I went to the bible study on Tuesday morning and the speaker wrote a bunch of wrongs on a balloon and then slowly let it float up and away as she was forgiving these people and then she called her friend and started talking about the hurts and the balloon started coming back down to her. As with this post, I now understand how to really forgive in actions. Thank you so much.