Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love Notes to OBS Group from East AM Session

Forgiveness is an act of obedience in faith to receive what Jesus has given us, and to give what He commands us to extend to others from the deepest part of us, our, hearts.  It is an Act of Love.  Sin hurts.  Jesus body on that cross reveals how much He loved us to deal with our sin and others sin.  All sin, every sin.  His Words from the cross say it all.  “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”  This does not mean we don’t have feelings and need to grieve these hurts with Jesus.  The ultimate wonder of forgiveness is intimacy with Love Himself, Jesus.

We see that forgiveness has so many facets, all of which begin with the obedient act of extending forgiveness(in response to Jesus’ command).
It is part of “taking up our cross daily”, because we must deny ourselves (this would include our feelings) and follow Him. Emotions may follow after- but not always. 

You don't forgive others for them; you forgive them for you and Jesus.  When you forgive, Jesus frees your heart and lifts your burden and keeps your heart from bitterness.

Forgiveness can be a process. The restoration that occurs initially is in the heart of the forgiver between Jesus and the hurt heart.  He/she releases the offender which keeps bitterness from developing. 

Forgiveness is hard but God requires it and Jesus wouldn’t require it if He had not made it possible for us to forgive because of the cross.

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