Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love Notes to OBS Group from West PM Session

                            L   O   V   E


There has been 3 key verses from Matthew West's song, "Forgiveness" that keep playing over & over in my mind.  (Check out the music video here: 

"Show me how to love the unloveable. . ."  Jesus did in Luke 23:24.

"Show me how to reach the unreachable. . ."  God did in John 3:16.

"And the last thing on my mind today. . ." This was the 1st & only thing on Jesus' mind.  Hebrews 12:2.

Why?  His beautiful love He had for each one of us that filled His heart with joy!  James 1:2-3.

When we can truly surrender all of our hurts, trials & tribulations over to Him, He will come in & 
fill you with His beautiful peace, joy & love! John 16:33.

My mind knows all of this, so God sent me this visual with my un-smartphone: Calls will go through, but I cannot hear what the caller is saying or it is garbled. Their words echo and are not clear or my phone will drop the call and I become frustrated. If it is an important message the caller will call back until they can be heard. Many times I will tell them to call me on another phone so I can hear their message clearly.  
This is my heart as I try to forgive others that have hurt me.  Right now it's having a hard time trying to receive this message. Forgetting is what I think is blocking the message about forgiveness.

I have been praying because this is consuming me.  I desire to be a woman who loves.  And I know that this is hindering my walk.  Throughout the day, I keep on looking up & back to the Cross.  This is where it all started.  Then God gave me another visual.  & I know that with Jesus' help, He will help me to be an overcomer so that I can do the impossible!  Philippians 4:13.  

All because if I say I love God, then I MUST forgive just He did to me!  

Without forgiveness and mercy we cannot love.  We can’t do this without the Holy Spirit.  We need the Holy Spirit.  We need each other. 

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