By: Lisa Stokoe
West Campus PM Leader
Our text for today's overview is found in 1 John 3:11-18. It is John's first letter which reflects what he learned from Jesus. It is not some new revelation or a type of new age philosophy. It is what was from the beginning. He wanted his audience to not be caught up in the tone of the day. John wanted them to understand truth as he heard it from Christ. We should love one another because it is a commandment. It is not an option based on our feelings.
1 John 3:11 If we say we love and act the opposite, then we are a liar or have not truth, or we walk in darkness. But if we do have love, then we walk in light, we have fellowship with one another and are forgiven.
1 John 3:12 John immediately shares what love should NOT look like. He gives us an example from the book of Genesis with Cain and Abel. It is quite fitting since we are talking about loving the brethren. John warns us not to be like Cain whom went about doing things his way, even when he was told if he did it God's way he would be accepted. He was stubborn to act as he wished and yet he was angry when God rejected his sacrifice. His brother chose to do it correctly and was blessed. This caused Cain to become angry which lead to jealousy, hatred and eventually murder. All he had to do was submit to God's way but he chose to be disobedient.
1 John 3:13 The world hates righteousness and opposes the Christian lifestyle. We have the imputed righteousness of Christ in our lives. It is a gift that is given freely. We are called not to be of this world or live by its standards. The world will reject Christ's way and us if we stand for Him. Light and darkness do not co-exist. They are opposed. What is dark? It is the absence of light. How do we get rid of the darkness? Turn on the light!
1 John 3:14 This is powerful! How are we assured someone is a Christian? When they have been born-again. They have passed from darkness to light. Words do not prove this - as we have seen in the lives of those who made a profession of faith but continue to live by the world's standards. When someone gets saved it produces a radical change because to be saved from our unrighteous ways and pass from death to life is radical indeed! The evidence of this extreme change is found in loving the brethren. This is the proof in the pudding! I love how Alistair Begg describes this, "Passing from death to life is about REGENERATION. Not justification." To be justified is to be "just as if I have never sinned." Regeneration is about "Nature Changes". It cannot be affected without the help of the Spirit of God and without the permission of the person. New Life brings Light, which brings LOVE. Old life has darkness, which breed hatred, which delivers DEATH. The old nature and the new nature cannot co-exist together. The spirit of hatred cannot live aside the Spirit of Love. One will drive the other out!
1 John 3:15 The apostle John brings to our attention the person who is not operating under the influence of Love. In order for hatred to be non-existent in our lives, love must be active!
1 John 3:16 Here John shows us how love should be demonstrated in our lives. John uses Jesus Christ as our example to follow. We love because He first loved us. He demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus evidenced what this love should look like.
To lie down our lives for the brethren requires sacrifice. Sacrifice usually does not feel good. Dying to our desires for someone else's desires to be lived out, usually does not generate fuzzy feelings. It hurts and is painful. Philippians 2:3-4 is such a great supportive scripture. This demonstrates our active and practical form of love for the brethren. The love we ought to exercise should resemble that of our Lord Jesus. So our love, though utterly unlike Christ's in measure, may be like it in essential nature. ~ W. Jones
The two (2) ways we are obligated to sacrifice is with willingness and readiness. We need to have a willing heart to make sacrifices for our brethren and be willing to surrender. And we need to readily meet the needs of our brethren.
1 John 3:17 True love expresses itself not only in big, enormous ways which capture attention. But most often it is expressed in the daily little deeds of thoughtfulness and kindness that we demonstrate to others. It also shows itself in ministry to the poor, needy and those that cannot repay, rather than to those who seem deserving. Jesus not only gave his life, but He helped in many practical ways. He fed thousands that were hungry, had compassion on the sick, defended those who were being persecuted or judged and spoke up for those who had no voice. He was transparent and honest with the people. He showed kindness to the rejected and lonely. He did not consider hanging out with the in-crowd of the day. It did not matter how busy Jesus was, He always took time to stop and care for others. He loved practically as well as sacrificially. There are many ways we can meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in their time of need and we should do so with a ready and willing heart. Don't feel compelled to follow the masses. Don't judge others that may not feel led as you do. Remember that He calls and leads us all differently. We should not give out of the wrong motives. Pray, seek and be led by Him. We cannot do it all!
1 John 3:18 True love is laborious and operates in Grace. Grace is demonstrated in hospitality, giving, mercy, helps, etc. It is shown by serving others, ministering to one another, bearing with one another, forgiving one another, praying for one another, building up one another, encouraging one another, admonishing in love, restoring with meekness, distributing and ministering to one another. These are ways we love in deed. This is love in action. And it is Truth when it is truly from your heart and not done for show, pretension or selfish gain. John says talking about it is not enough! Real love demands action. It is often small, everyday meetings rather than huge opportunities that come every now and then. Demonstrate love by looking out for the interest of others.
Truth and the Enemies of Truth: There are enemies as I call them, to loving in deeds and in truth. These enemies are false ideas that we may have and need to work to get rid of.
1. We may falsely believe we must feel love: Reliance on the feelings...this makes us very self-reliant actually. It can lead to a form of salvation by works.
2. Creating formulas to love or serve: This is when we program love out. We use committee's to determine the best way to love and express love to others.
3. Humanitarian efforts equate automatic love: Believing that because we do a bunch of humanitarian efforts we love. Being so busy in humanitarian efforts, we can mistakenly believe because we give in so many ways. then we must be loving in action. Sometimes it can be a cheap scapegoat and can lead to a mindset, belief or justification by our works. The caution here is that motive is the key!
4. Busyness in services at church equates love: Doing a bunch of service within the walls of church must mean we are walking in love. Or to think these outward external acts equates love. Church service, communion, serving, etc. The truth is that motive is of particular importance. Remember 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 it is possible to be doing a lot of things, good things, without agape love present.
The lesson here is sincerity! Beware of self-deception. It's easy to imagine what we will do for those in need. But are you dealing truthfully with God? Are you meeting regularly with Him? Are you a reflection of His love to those around you? If we have not love, no matter what service we do, we are just noisy and it profits us nothing. If you recognize this lack of love in your life, ask for Him to shed His love abroad in your heart fresh and anew. Then, listen to His whispers as His Spirit directs you in ways you can operate in actions of the fruit of the Spirit. Then obediently follow His directives and share His love with the brethren around you.
~ Reflect on Luke 11:13, Romans 5:5 and Galatians 5:22-23 ~
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