Sunday, November 30, 2014
Write On God's Heart
As we close out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, I wanted to share Chris Tomlin's video "Thank You God For Saving Me". We are all blessed in different aspects of our lives, yet the greatest blessing is the fact that Jesus died for our sins.
Thank You God for saving a wretch like me.
Share with us what you are thankful for today. Now the pen is yours...
Friday, November 28, 2014
Heart Check
I know we usually do heart checks on Tuesdays but with the week off for Thanksgiving, I thought it would be great to have a heart-to-heart. What is a lifetime pursuit that if left unchecked can take off without us and wreck havoc that cannot always be undone? You guessed it: Taming Our Tongues.
How many of us have looked back on a conversation and wished we would have just remained silent. We can all relate, right? And what about that seven-letter word that always gets each one of us: B-U-T-T-O-N-S. You know what I mean. Those little triggers in each of us that people know how to press to make the horrid, little troll come out.
The result of those pushed buttons is not always loving or becoming. But here we sit in the final weeks of our Bible study and we have to face the struggle to use words that heal instead of hurt, build instead of break, and motivate instead of mortify.
Let's be intentional this week and really take the challenge to tame our tongues. Share with us how you have chosen to use loving words to build up instead of tear apart a relationship at home, work, school or church.
How many of us have looked back on a conversation and wished we would have just remained silent. We can all relate, right? And what about that seven-letter word that always gets each one of us: B-U-T-T-O-N-S. You know what I mean. Those little triggers in each of us that people know how to press to make the horrid, little troll come out.
The result of those pushed buttons is not always loving or becoming. But here we sit in the final weeks of our Bible study and we have to face the struggle to use words that heal instead of hurt, build instead of break, and motivate instead of mortify.
Let's be intentional this week and really take the challenge to tame our tongues. Share with us how you have chosen to use loving words to build up instead of tear apart a relationship at home, work, school or church.
Loving Words Ripple Effect
Take the Loving Words Ripple Effect Challenge to encourage five pals this weekend. The conditions are this:
1. Use only five-words to write on your pal's heart (Exp: You are unique my dear).
2. Close out the message with our memory verse this week from Ephesians 4:15: "But we are meant to hold firmly to the truth in love, and to grow up in every way into Christ, the head."
3. Encourage your friends and loved ones to do the same (Hello Ripple Effect).
1. Use only five-words to write on your pal's heart (Exp: You are unique my dear).
2. Close out the message with our memory verse this week from Ephesians 4:15: "But we are meant to hold firmly to the truth in love, and to grow up in every way into Christ, the head."
3. Encourage your friends and loved ones to do the same (Hello Ripple Effect).
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Love Notes to OBS Group from East AM Session
Reconciliation happens between a sinner and Jesus. Our ministry is to introduce others to Him who has reconciled us to Himself. Forgiveness is putting the offence and the offender in God's hands and leaving it/them there. Reconciliation can only happen if the offender repents and he or she is reconnected to Jesus. There are just some offenses that cannot be reconciled between people on this side of Heaven, but all who repent can be reconciled to Jesus!
You can't reconcile if the sin is the center of attention - like Ham's brothers, they walked in Noah's tent backwards and covered their dad. We need to forgive and practice edification.
Week Ten: Love Reconciles (Chapter Nine)
By: Diane Hernandez
West Campus Overview Leader
"But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant for good..." Genesis 50:20
Love, Forgiveness and Reconciliation or Forgetting are all 'one' in the same. When Jesus died on the cross, LOVE became the cross bow that bound them together. Therefore, FORGIVING & FORGETTING are like Siamese Twins. They were never meant to be separated and will go hand-n-hand together. From God's perspective, Love, Forgiveness & Reconciliation or Forgetting are all the same!
They will forever be grounded on the ROCK which is the foundation of Calvary, the mountain of Surrender! The Cross is the greatest example that God gave us about Unconditional Love. What we have gone through our whole lives will always come back to the Cross!
Forgive and Forget were the two poles that God used where Jesus' head, back & legs were placed against. And Love was the beam that turned those two poles into a Cross. Jesus Forgave us. We are to follow His example and forgive all the people that have hurt us.
"Father, forgive them. They don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34
Jesus FORGETS all of our sins, so we must do the same with all the people who have hurt us.
"Once again you will show loving concern for us. You will completely wipe out the evil things we've done. You will throw all of our sins into the bottom of the sea." Micah 7:19
Jesus' Love for us is so amazing! And we must love everyone exactly like He did.God loves the whole world, so in His eyes, there is no such thing as an unlovable person.
"How did God show His love for us? He sent His one and only Son into the world. He sent Him so we could receive life through Him. What is love? It is not that we loved God. It is that He loved us and sent His Son to give His life to pay for our sins." 1 John 4: 9-10
Surrender all your wants, desires & hurts over to God just like Jesus did! His life never was nor should yours be about what you want. Your life has always been about God's Will, not your will. It pleased God to allow Jesus to suffer and so must we.
"My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering away from Me. But let what You want be done, not what I want." Matthew 26:39
In September, I started preparing for my overview and mistakenly thought that I was going to cover chapter eight's topic on forgiveness. I must confess that I am a bit OCD so I had all my ducks in a row by early October. But I was mistaken and my subject to cover was "Love Reconciles".
Four weeks ago, a life changing incident took place and I began to wonder if I should step down from presenting the overview today. You see, my family was involved in a senseless attack and I could not fathom how I could present "Love Reconciles" when I could not bring myself to forgive those that hurt us.
During the aftermath, a good friend reminded me that in the Hebrew language there is not a word for coincidence. That comforted my heart because a lot of my thoughts were filled with "What if's". I was struggling with asking God, "WHY?"
I found myself thinking of the renown Footprints poem and wondering what mine have looked like these past few weeks. Before the incident you would have seen two sets of prints (Jesus and me walking side by side). Days after the incident, you would have seen one set of footprints (Jesus holding me). But as the days progressed, there would be one set of footprints with many prints off to the side in a circle (Jesus walking and me throwing a tantrum to the side); and the next would be one set of footprints with two parallel lines next to them (Jesus walking and me dragging my feet the entire way).
Before this incident, I would listen to Matthew West's song, "Forgiveness" and marvel at Renee Napier's heart to forgive the drunk driver that killed her daughter. Not only did she chose to forgive her daughter's killer, she and the other family appealed to have his sentence reduced from 22 years to 11 years. I love how Matthew West summed up Renee's actions to forgive Eric.
"By Renee forgiving Eric, she has made a choice to humbly follow the example Christ set for us, and God has used her step of faith to release healing into both of their lives, leading Eric to find his own personal freedom in Christ. And what is it about Renee that would allow her to see her perpetrator through eyes of grace and not anger? When one's heart and soul are awake to the need of forgiveness in one's own life,k then they will be more inclined to see their enemy through eyes of compassion. Jesus laying down His own life for our sins is the truest example of how we should forgive others. And the reward of forgiveness is great." (Excerpt taken from
I am sure there are many reading these words that have also been wounded and hurt by the words or actions of another. Forgiveness and Reconciliation are difficult. If you find yourself in the same boat as me, you are not alone. And I don't mean that you and I are together. I mean that there is someone greater in the boat with us. JESUS. He was with my family on that night and protected us from even greater damage. He continues to be with me as I sit in court rooms viewing the faces of my attackers and hearing their words. And He will be the one to help me truly live out the words of Matthew West's song, "Show me how to love the unlovable. Teach me how to reach the unreachable. Help me now to do the impossible. Forgiveness. I want to finally set it free. So show me how to see what Your mercy sees. Help me now to give what You gave to me. Forgiveness."
As I sit with tears in my eyes, I cannot fathom how hard these three words are to utter but I know with God's prompting, I will one day be able to say to each of my attackers, "I Forgive You."
Monday, November 17, 2014
Quotes and Song Notes on Reconciliation
Mary from our online Bible study shared this great quote from Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest":
"If you...remember that your brother has something against you..." Matthew 5:23
"These verse says, 'First be reconciled to your brother...Our Lord's directive is simple - First be reconciled.' He says, in effect, 'Go back the way you came-the way indicated to you by the conviction given to you at the altar, have an attitude in your mind and soul toward the person who has something against you that make reconciliation as natural as breathing.' Jesus does not mention the other person - He says for you to go. It is not a matter of your right. The true mark of the saint is that he can waive his own rights and obey the Lord Jesus."
Meredith Andrews - "The New Song We Sing"
Mary from our online Bible study shared this great quote from Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest":
"If you...remember that your brother has something against you..." Matthew 5:23
"These verse says, 'First be reconciled to your brother...Our Lord's directive is simple - First be reconciled.' He says, in effect, 'Go back the way you came-the way indicated to you by the conviction given to you at the altar, have an attitude in your mind and soul toward the person who has something against you that make reconciliation as natural as breathing.' Jesus does not mention the other person - He says for you to go. It is not a matter of your right. The true mark of the saint is that he can waive his own rights and obey the Lord Jesus."
Meredith Andrews - "The New Song We Sing"
"You are the God who reconciles / The wayward heart through Christ / The old has gone, the new has come / We are reconciled by love / We are reconciled by love."
Christ August - "7x70"
"Seven times seventy time / I'll do what it takes to make it right / I thought the pain was here to stay / But forgiveness made a way / Seven times seventy times / There's healing in the air tonight / I'm reaching up to pull it down / Gonna wrap it all around / I lost count of the ways you let me down / But no matter how many times you weren't around / I'm alright now,,,cause / God picked up my heart and helped me through / And shined light on the one thing left to do / And that's forgave, I forgive you."
Addison Road - "Start Over Again"
"Every moment is a second chance / At starting over / Move from the past to the present tense / You can start over / Yesterday is gone / Today is all you've got / You don't have to be who you've been / You can change within / It's never too late / To start over again."
Royal Tailor - "Black and White"
"I can't go, one more night / Without telling you / That I am sorry / For all the pain that I caused / I've been gone for so long / Without telling you that I am sorry / Can you hear me? / Please forgive me."
Royal Tailor - "Black and White"
"I can't go, one more night / Without telling you / That I am sorry / For all the pain that I caused / I've been gone for so long / Without telling you that I am sorry / Can you hear me? / Please forgive me."
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Write On God's Heart
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. Try using our theme this week of LOVE RECONCILES to write a love note to God, "who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." (2 Corinthians 5:18) Now the pen is yours...
Friday, November 14, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Week Nine: Love Forgives (Chapter Eight)
By: Michelle Guevara
Online Facilitator
As we sat on the porch of the cabin, Kathe's words astonished me, "Michelle, some journals are meant to be burned." As someone who loves writing and the formation of words, I could not understand the method to her madness. Why would I burn pages of words that flowed from my heart through my pen? It just made no sense to me. But my dear mentor explained, "There are moments where God walks with you through hard circumstances. Moments where your emotions are so raw, that only Jesus can understand and see the beauty through the pain. If outsiders read your words, they would question your walk, but not Jesus. He understands." Writing is a tangible way for us to process what is going on in our hearts. When we are struggling to forgive someone, we can say repeatedly in our heads, "I forgive, I forgive, I forgive." And yet still stumble when we see this person, hear their voice or have the offense replayed in our minds. Let's face it, forgiveness is hard. But we know from our memory verse this week in Ephesians 4:32 that God calls us to forgive others QUICKLY and THOROUGHLY just as He has forgiven us.
If you find yourself struggling to forgive the actions of another, I want you to try something. Go out and purchase a cheap composition notebook. It does not need to be pretty, just small enough that you can tote it with you each day. When you first start the journal, use it as an open conversation with God. Write how much this person has hurt you, how hard it is to find forgiveness or your desire to just let go of this bitterness from your heart. Keep going to Jesus every single time you are wrestling with forgiving someone else. As you use the journal in a tangible way to walk the path of forgiveness, try writing the following when this person comes to mind:
"I forgive ... for .... I no longer hold them by the throat but I release them and hold out open hands for You to take away my hurt, bitterness and anger. Fill me, Jesus, with Your love, peace and strength as I walk this path of forgiveness."
Some pages may be gritty. But the process is necessary. And once you have released this person or offense, strike a match my dear. It is time to see the beauty for ashes unfold in front of your very eyes. Just like a fire consumes quickly and thoroughly, God's love and mercy does the same in our lives and the lives of others. Continue to become a woman who loves and forgives...
Love Notes to OBS Group from West PM Session
There has been 3 key verses from Matthew West's song, "Forgiveness" that keep playing
over & over in my mind. (Check out the music video here:
"Show me how to
love the unloveable. . ." Jesus did in Luke 23:24.
"Show me how to
reach the unreachable. . ." God did in John 3:16.
"And the last thing
on my mind today. . ." This
was the 1st & only thing on Jesus' mind. Hebrews 12:2.
Why? His beautiful
love He had for each one of us that filled His heart with joy! James
When we can truly
surrender all of our hurts, trials & tribulations over to Him, He will come
in &
fill you with His
beautiful peace, joy & love! John 16:33.
My mind knows all of
this, so God sent me this
visual with my un-smartphone: Calls will go through, but I cannot hear what the caller is saying or it is garbled. Their words echo and are not clear or my phone will drop the call and I become frustrated. If it is an important message the caller will call back until they can be heard. Many times I will tell them to call me on another phone so I can hear their message clearly.
This is my heart as I try to forgive others that have hurt me. Right now it's having a hard time trying to receive this message. Forgetting is what
I think is blocking the message about forgiveness.
I have been praying
because this is consuming me. I desire to be a woman who loves. And
I know that this is hindering
my walk. Throughout the day, I keep on looking up & back to the
Cross. This is where it all started.
Then God gave me another visual. & I know that with Jesus'
help, He will help me to be an overcomer so that I can do the impossible! Philippians 4:13.
All because if I say I
love God, then I MUST forgive just He did to me!
Without forgiveness and mercy we cannot love. We can’t do this without the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit. We need each other.
Love Notes to OBS Group from East AM Session
Forgiveness is an act of obedience in faith to
receive what Jesus has given us, and to give what He commands us to extend to
others from the deepest part of us, our, hearts. It is an Act of
Love. Sin hurts. Jesus body on that cross reveals how much He loved
us to deal with our sin and others sin. All sin, every sin. His
Words from the cross say it all. “Father forgive them for they don’t know
what they are doing.” This does not mean we don’t have feelings and need
to grieve these hurts with Jesus. The ultimate wonder of forgiveness is
intimacy with Love Himself, Jesus.
We see that forgiveness has so many facets, all of
which begin with the obedient act of extending forgiveness(in response to
Jesus’ command).
It is part of “taking up our cross daily”, because we
must deny ourselves (this would include our feelings) and follow Him. Emotions
may follow after- but not always.
You don't forgive others
for them; you forgive them for you and Jesus. When you forgive, Jesus
frees your heart and lifts your burden and keeps your heart from bitterness.
Forgiveness can be a process. The restoration that
occurs initially is in the heart of the forgiver between Jesus and the hurt
heart. He/she releases the offender which keeps bitterness from
Forgiveness is hard but God requires it and Jesus
wouldn’t require it if He had not made it possible for us to forgive because of
the cross.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Heart Check
Here are some great teachings on FORGIVENESS
Pastor Robert Furrow - March 16, 2014 (listen from minute 17:00 - 28:00)
"Forgiveness and LOVE” “We are the most Christ like when we forgive…Christians, little Christ’s” “With the command comes the power to do what He commanded us to do.” “Forgiveness is not restoration…Forgiveness is letting them go and saying ‘they don’t owe me anything.’” “Keeps us from being bitter.”
Teaching by Pastor Joseph Gros on Matthew 18
Monday, November 10, 2014
Quotes and Song Notes On Forgiveness
This weekend I asked a group of friends to share with me their favorite quotes and songs about Forgiveness. One gal-pal shared:
“Forgiveness is a very complicated matter; it is a process that takes time…it has many layers, but when the last layer comes off there is freedom.”
I hope you enjoy the list below as you continue your study in Chapter Eight titled “Love Forgives”.
“To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.” C.S. Lewis
“I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice” Abraham Lincoln
“Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.” Anonymous
“A true apology has 3 parts: I am sorry; It is my fault; What can I do to make it right? Most of us miss the third part.”
“When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future.” Bernard Meltzer
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” John 1:9
“Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much.” Oscar Wilde
“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.” Louise Smith
“Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart.” #beyondordinary
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Louis B. Smedes
“Remember, the way we treat others is the only thing that matters in eternity, and it impacts our prayers on earth. So today, choose love, choose forgiveness, and choose to treat others with respect so that your prayers can be powerful and effective the way God promises!”
“Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot change creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.” Louis Smedes
“Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.” Corrie ten Boom
“God loves you even in your darkest hours. He comforts you even in your darkest moments. He forgives you in your darkest failures.”
“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constants attitude.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Forgiveness by TobyMac featuring Lecrae
“Cause we all make mistakes sometimes/And we’ve all stepped across that line/But nothing’s sweeter than the day we find/Forgiveness/And we all stumble as we fall/Bridges burn in the heat of it all/But nothing’s sweeter than the day we call our for forgiveness”
East to West by Casting Crowns
“I know you’ve cast my sin as far as the east is from the west/And I stand before you now as though I’ve never sinned/But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away/From you leaving me this way/Jesus, can you show me just how far the east is from the west/’Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve seen rising up in me again”
A Heart That Forgives by Kevin Levar
“I want a heart that forgives/A heart full of love/One with compassion just like Yours above/One that overcomes evil with goodness and love/Like it never happened, never holding a grudge/I want a heart that forgives that lives and lets live/One that keeps loving over and over again/One that men can’t offend/Because Your Word is deep within”
I Am Set Free by All Sons & Daughters
“You broke my chains of sin and shame and you covered me with grace/You mend my life with your holy fire/You cover me with grace/You are the hand that reaches out to save/I am set free/It is for freedom that I am set free”
I Am Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave
“Seems like all I can see was the struggle/Haunted by ghosts that lived in my past/Bound up in shackles of all my failures/Wondering how long is this gonna last/Then you look at this prisoner and say to me/’Son stop fighting a fight that’s already been won”/I am redeemed/You set me free”
Bitter by Andy Mineo
“It’s so hard for me to forgive him then I remember that I’m a sinner/And Jesus forgave me and washed away my sins/When I didn’t deserve it then I could forgive him/His power is such amazing love like when Jesus forgave the ones that pinned him up on that cross as He was hanging from it/Holy Spirit, teach me to be just like the Son/Remove the roots of bitterness/Don’t stop until Your work is done/God I don’t wanna be bitter/Teach me to forgive/Let me see my own sin”
Worship Together: Take Us To The River by Robin Mark
“Give us ears to hear the cry of heaven/For that cry is mercy/Mercy to the fallen sons of man/For mercy has triumphed/Triumphed over judgment by the blood/Take us to the throne room/In the city of our God”
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Chris Tomlin
“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear/And grace my fears relieved/How precious did that grace appear/The hour I first believed/My chains are gone/I’ve been set free/My God, my Savior has ransomed me/And like a flood His mercy rains/Unending love, amazing grace”
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Write On God's Heart
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. Try using our theme this week of LOVE FORGIVES to write a love note to God sharing how He has cast your sins as far as the east is from the west or helped you to forgive others. Now the pen is yours...
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Heart Never Forgets
What are you doing today to commit to memory our verse this week from Ephesians 4:32? Try our exercise today by writing out the verse 20 times. Today choose to be gentle, sensitive, forgive quickly & thoroughly and remember who forgave you first and continues to do so.
Love Notes to OBS Group
God knows your heart. Allow Him to grow His love in you so that you ‘will’ become a woman who puts her love into action in thought, word and deed. They are to always be sweet tasting, good and multiply like countless seeds that are found in a nurtured, well-watered, huge pomegranate.
Numbers 13:18-20, 23, 27e
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
A Reflection Of Love In Action
By: Lisa Stokoe
Sweet Ellie is a little girl I met and she demonstrated such love so willingly and naturally in her daily life. She is young, but she showed practical love for others so beautifully. She toured our group and watched out for us with motherly care. It is so refreshing to know that the next generation truly reflects love in action.
Week Eight: Love In Action (Chapter Seven)
By: Lisa Stokoe
West Campus PM Leader
Our text for today's overview is found in 1 John 3:11-18. It is John's first letter which reflects what he learned from Jesus. It is not some new revelation or a type of new age philosophy. It is what was from the beginning. He wanted his audience to not be caught up in the tone of the day. John wanted them to understand truth as he heard it from Christ. We should love one another because it is a commandment. It is not an option based on our feelings.
1 John 3:11 If we say we love and act the opposite, then we are a liar or have not truth, or we walk in darkness. But if we do have love, then we walk in light, we have fellowship with one another and are forgiven.
1 John 3:12 John immediately shares what love should NOT look like. He gives us an example from the book of Genesis with Cain and Abel. It is quite fitting since we are talking about loving the brethren. John warns us not to be like Cain whom went about doing things his way, even when he was told if he did it God's way he would be accepted. He was stubborn to act as he wished and yet he was angry when God rejected his sacrifice. His brother chose to do it correctly and was blessed. This caused Cain to become angry which lead to jealousy, hatred and eventually murder. All he had to do was submit to God's way but he chose to be disobedient.
1 John 3:13 The world hates righteousness and opposes the Christian lifestyle. We have the imputed righteousness of Christ in our lives. It is a gift that is given freely. We are called not to be of this world or live by its standards. The world will reject Christ's way and us if we stand for Him. Light and darkness do not co-exist. They are opposed. What is dark? It is the absence of light. How do we get rid of the darkness? Turn on the light!
1 John 3:14 This is powerful! How are we assured someone is a Christian? When they have been born-again. They have passed from darkness to light. Words do not prove this - as we have seen in the lives of those who made a profession of faith but continue to live by the world's standards. When someone gets saved it produces a radical change because to be saved from our unrighteous ways and pass from death to life is radical indeed! The evidence of this extreme change is found in loving the brethren. This is the proof in the pudding! I love how Alistair Begg describes this, "Passing from death to life is about REGENERATION. Not justification." To be justified is to be "just as if I have never sinned." Regeneration is about "Nature Changes". It cannot be affected without the help of the Spirit of God and without the permission of the person. New Life brings Light, which brings LOVE. Old life has darkness, which breed hatred, which delivers DEATH. The old nature and the new nature cannot co-exist together. The spirit of hatred cannot live aside the Spirit of Love. One will drive the other out!
1 John 3:15 The apostle John brings to our attention the person who is not operating under the influence of Love. In order for hatred to be non-existent in our lives, love must be active!
1 John 3:16 Here John shows us how love should be demonstrated in our lives. John uses Jesus Christ as our example to follow. We love because He first loved us. He demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Jesus evidenced what this love should look like.
To lie down our lives for the brethren requires sacrifice. Sacrifice usually does not feel good. Dying to our desires for someone else's desires to be lived out, usually does not generate fuzzy feelings. It hurts and is painful. Philippians 2:3-4 is such a great supportive scripture. This demonstrates our active and practical form of love for the brethren. The love we ought to exercise should resemble that of our Lord Jesus. So our love, though utterly unlike Christ's in measure, may be like it in essential nature. ~ W. Jones
The two (2) ways we are obligated to sacrifice is with willingness and readiness. We need to have a willing heart to make sacrifices for our brethren and be willing to surrender. And we need to readily meet the needs of our brethren.
1 John 3:17 True love expresses itself not only in big, enormous ways which capture attention. But most often it is expressed in the daily little deeds of thoughtfulness and kindness that we demonstrate to others. It also shows itself in ministry to the poor, needy and those that cannot repay, rather than to those who seem deserving. Jesus not only gave his life, but He helped in many practical ways. He fed thousands that were hungry, had compassion on the sick, defended those who were being persecuted or judged and spoke up for those who had no voice. He was transparent and honest with the people. He showed kindness to the rejected and lonely. He did not consider hanging out with the in-crowd of the day. It did not matter how busy Jesus was, He always took time to stop and care for others. He loved practically as well as sacrificially. There are many ways we can meet the needs of our brothers and sisters in their time of need and we should do so with a ready and willing heart. Don't feel compelled to follow the masses. Don't judge others that may not feel led as you do. Remember that He calls and leads us all differently. We should not give out of the wrong motives. Pray, seek and be led by Him. We cannot do it all!
1 John 3:18 True love is laborious and operates in Grace. Grace is demonstrated in hospitality, giving, mercy, helps, etc. It is shown by serving others, ministering to one another, bearing with one another, forgiving one another, praying for one another, building up one another, encouraging one another, admonishing in love, restoring with meekness, distributing and ministering to one another. These are ways we love in deed. This is love in action. And it is Truth when it is truly from your heart and not done for show, pretension or selfish gain. John says talking about it is not enough! Real love demands action. It is often small, everyday meetings rather than huge opportunities that come every now and then. Demonstrate love by looking out for the interest of others.
Truth and the Enemies of Truth: There are enemies as I call them, to loving in deeds and in truth. These enemies are false ideas that we may have and need to work to get rid of.
1. We may falsely believe we must feel love: Reliance on the feelings...this makes us very self-reliant actually. It can lead to a form of salvation by works.
2. Creating formulas to love or serve: This is when we program love out. We use committee's to determine the best way to love and express love to others.
3. Humanitarian efforts equate automatic love: Believing that because we do a bunch of humanitarian efforts we love. Being so busy in humanitarian efforts, we can mistakenly believe because we give in so many ways. then we must be loving in action. Sometimes it can be a cheap scapegoat and can lead to a mindset, belief or justification by our works. The caution here is that motive is the key!
4. Busyness in services at church equates love: Doing a bunch of service within the walls of church must mean we are walking in love. Or to think these outward external acts equates love. Church service, communion, serving, etc. The truth is that motive is of particular importance. Remember 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3 it is possible to be doing a lot of things, good things, without agape love present.
The lesson here is sincerity! Beware of self-deception. It's easy to imagine what we will do for those in need. But are you dealing truthfully with God? Are you meeting regularly with Him? Are you a reflection of His love to those around you? If we have not love, no matter what service we do, we are just noisy and it profits us nothing. If you recognize this lack of love in your life, ask for Him to shed His love abroad in your heart fresh and anew. Then, listen to His whispers as His Spirit directs you in ways you can operate in actions of the fruit of the Spirit. Then obediently follow His directives and share His love with the brethren around you.
~ Reflect on Luke 11:13, Romans 5:5 and Galatians 5:22-23 ~
Love Notes to OBS Group from East AM and West PM
Be a Christian of action, not just of words that we may glorify Christ.
Praying to be God's hands and feet by the power of the Holy Spirit and being aware of needs around us. Read Luke 10:23-37 - Go and do likewise!
1. Husbands need respect.
2. Sick friends need a hand to hold either in the waiting room or by text message.
3. Neighbors that live alone - notice them and bring cookies.
Overview of hospitality - can be done as seen or unseen having compassion, prayer, giving of our time - simple things. Keep your spiritual fervor letting the Holy Spirit lead you to what actions you should do.
Be hospitable even when your house is dirty!
Praying over the meal when preparing for people in need or ill - so heart has right motivation.
Helping the poor or "Meals on Wheels". Pray for one another. Pray for God's direction in helping others.
He provided for others - food, healing, praying for others, extended forgiveness.
Be more aware of others needs and defend the weak.
A new woman cam today and shared, "If you all weren't here to share Jesus' love for me, I would be alone. Thank you for being here."
Being available for giving at the spur of the moment. Invite a friend for dinner or someone you don't know. Invite a friend to church.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Write On God's Heart
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. Take a look at the comments from previous Sundays for ideas. Or use your favorite scripture to write your own love note to God sharing how amazing He is and how He is worthy of our praise today. Now the pen is yours...
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