Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week Three Overview: A New Commandment (Chapter Two)

By: Michelle Guevara (Online Facilitator)
I don't know about you but I was totally convicted and challenged by this week's reading.  The chapter might as well have been titled, "She is Never Ever Willing to Embrace This Commandment".  Yes that is my acronym for NEW.  I am someone that is guilty of rushing around at a hectic pace, struggling daily to love on those in my life without making them feel like they are an item on my to-do list.  I have issues staying fully engaged in what I am doing because my mind is already on to the next item that needs to be completed in two hours, the following day or week.  And when I have distractions arise in my day, I wish I could say I display grace under pressure all the time, but I would be lying.

So let's be real, Ladies.  What is it Jesus is calling us to do in this new commandment?  To love others, and not just in our own strength but to love others like He has loved us.  Does this cause anyone else to have heart palpitations?  I can barely survive one day in my own little world so how can I really love others in a manner that will bless His Heart?  The answer is simple and I love how Ephesians 5:1-2 offers some light on the subject:

"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children.  Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.  He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."  

Wow!  Let's just take that in for a minute.  Imitate God in  E V E R Y T H I N G  you do because you are His.  Hello... is this humbling to anyone else?  You and I are his dearly loved daughters and we are called to imitate Him in everything we do. We are called to live a life filled with love.  Doesn't that statement just make your heart soar?  Live a life filled with love by following the example Jesus provided because He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us. AMAZING.

Can I give you an illustration to tuck in your heart as you go about your days at school, work, in ministry or life in general?  I heard this quote last year and it transformed my thinking.

A True Servant Of God Is Not The One Reaching For The Top 
But The One Reaching For The Towel 

This is the love that we need to carry in our hearts to those that are hurting or lost around us. Your fellow classmates, co-workers, loved ones, acquaintances, people you barely speak a word to in the hallway or grocery store all need something - they need a glimpse of Jesus daily.

I am so guilty of striving to be the best at whatever is in front of me - work obligations, ministry opportunities, volunteer commitments, even lame things like creative brainstorming.  And yet, when I read this quote, it halted my striving heart and gave me an eternal perspective.  If I want to truly bless God's Heart every day, I need to serve those around me.  I need to imitate God, recognize my identity as His dearly beloved daughter, live my life like I have been transformed by the Creator and Restorer of all things and remember Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for me.  When I keep these truths on the forefront each day, "I find it easier to not be so selfish, to not strive to impress others, to be humble, to think more of others than I think of myself and to take a genuine interest in others." (Philippians 2:3-4)

Heavenly Father, I thank you for reminding me that I am still a work in progress.  I love how You open my eyes through Your Word to see that I am not who I used to be and yet not quite who You are transforming me to become.  I am Journeying with Jesus every day to become a woman who Imitates, Recognizes, Loves, Follows and Pleases You.  You are awesome God and I want to start each morning of my life asking how I can bless Your heart every day.  Amen.  

1 comment:

  1. This was very convicting to me, too. I love that quote and it does make you stop and remember what God really thinks is important in our life - loving and serving others. I can see the Lord is really speaking to me about being more loving and over looking the things that irritate or hurt. I am so glad we have the example of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help us love others as God calls us to do.

    Blessings - Julie
