Friday, October 31, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Week Seven: Loving the Saints (Chapter Six)
By: Ellen Casadei
East Campus PM Session Leader
East Campus PM Session Leader
Everyone who has received Jesus Christ by faith is a saint. So, that’s us! As Christians, we are saved and “set apart for holy use” by God, to glorify Him and share the good news with those who are not saved.
The world is looking for recognition and distinction. It’s all about “ME” - what makes me happy, how does this advance me, what is in it for me? God takes us and turns our world upside down by turning the M into a W and the ME into WE. We as Christians are unified. We as Christians can love the unlovable. We as Christians become a part of the body of Christ.
In 1 Peter 4:8-10 it says, “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.” He’s reminding us that it’s not always easy to love each other because we sin, but we should live with an attitude of love and use our gifts from the Holy Spirit to keep unity in the church.
God doesn’t want us to be an island. He wants us to be a part of His body. Loving the saints is not loving them from afar - it’s being close to them to prop each other up during times of sorrow, trials and to use our gifts in service to each other “as faithful stewards of God’s grace.”
God is commanding us to love one another and it is a choice we must make if we truly love God.
In 1 Peter 4:8-10 it says, “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.” He’s reminding us that it’s not always easy to love each other because we sin, but we should live with an attitude of love and use our gifts from the Holy Spirit to keep unity in the church.
God doesn’t want us to be an island. He wants us to be a part of His body. Loving the saints is not loving them from afar - it’s being close to them to prop each other up during times of sorrow, trials and to use our gifts in service to each other “as faithful stewards of God’s grace.”
God is commanding us to love one another and it is a choice we must make if we truly love God.
Love Notes to OBS Group from East & West Campus Sessions
- Love through all circumstances regardless of how painful. Because of God's love - we can love the Saints.
- Encouraged by all of the different gits to build up the body and that each person is important in that process. We are building blocks in God's Holy Temple. Jesus was the firstborn creating life and was the firstborn in death, rising from the dead to once again give us life.
- Jesus knows how to build a well oiled machine for His glory through us!
- One insight which stood out to us was spiritual gifts. While we have a primary gift or others. At times we may have a specific gift given for a particular occasion. Such as the gift of knowledge may be given for a specific purpose in a situation where it is need. Or the gift of healing.
- Our Spirit-given gifts can be used apart from abiding in Jesus. When we use our gifts apart from Him, we are walking in our personal pride and hurting the body of Christ actually tearing it down. Jesus is the ONE HEAD of the body. What would we be like without our heads? Useless and dead. When we use our gifts in the power of His Spirit we are using our Head to build up His Body!
- We who are in the image of Christ have different gifts working towards a common goal.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Love Notes to OBS Group from East AM Session
Love Note #1: Jesus' love is not ever rude. One definition of rude is "primitive" when we are rude to others we are like little, selfish toddlers..."Mine, Mine!" The mark of maturity is Jesus' love flowing out of us when others are rude and we respond with long suffering and kindness by the Holy Spirit's power.
Love Note #2: When we fail to LOVE, Jesus is patient, kind, He bears all our sins and is faithful!
Love Note #3: Love Endures Forever.
Love Note #4: Love is eternal and is our eternal reward with God in Heaven.
Love Note #5: Love is our badge of Christianity - we are identified with Christ when we exemplify love to others. Also, it is personal because we put our own names on it. Love in action believes the best of everyone and trusts God to bring about a transgressors repentance and restoration. We show our love through our service to others by exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit, demonstrating Jesus' love to all.
Love Note #6: Jesus doesn't keep a record of our wrongs. This chapter spoke a lot about envy and what goes with it (bitter contempt). It had personal application.
Week Six: The Character of Love (Chapter 5)
By: Jackie Billings
West Campus PM Session Leader
A Definition of Love
When my husband and I were dating, he didn’t tell me he
loved me for quite a long time. Finally,
after a seeming eternity that was actually no more than a few months, he
declared his love for me. He prefaced it
by telling me, he wanted to be sure he understood what love is so that when he
said it, he could mean it. So what does
“love” actually mean?
In the last chapters, we have learned that love is supreme
and eternal (1 Cor 13:13), comes from God (1 John 4:19), fulfills all the commandments (John 13:34), and is the ultimate “fruit” of abiding with Jesus. (1 John 4:16 & John 13:35)
Now, we really reach the heart of the matter, and learn a practical
definition of love: 1 Cor. 13:4-8
Paul, the lawyer, gives an appropriate "lawyerly" definition
of Love, sandwiched in between two discussions of spiritual gifts. The Corinthian church was so focused on the
spiritual gift concepts with their minds in the clouds, Paul’s practical definition
must have brought the listeners back to Earth!
The passage is filled not with feelings, but with actions.
Loving like Jesus
Loving like Jesus
Just as God demonstrated his love to us by dying for us
(Rom. 5:8), we will be able to demonstrate love through our actions. Keep in
mind, true Agape love is only able to be lived out through the Holy Spirit
working in us, and unlike the other forms of love (stergae, phileo, and eros)
cannot be achieved by the non-believer, because it comes from Jesus. It’s not about “working really hard” to be
loving. Let’s look at each
characteristic of love, remembering that Jesus is our example of how to live
Love suffers long
Love suffers long
Some translations read, “Love is patient”
but that doesn’t really encompass what is being said. Love suffers!
Love waits! Love is not
impatient. Jesus is described as
“longsuffering” toward us in that he waits to bring his perfect judgment on
Earth until all have had an opportunity to repent and turn to him. (2 Peter 3:9)
He waits because of his love. He
forgives and forgives and forgives.
Likewise, Jesus instructed us that we shouldn’t just forgive others one
time or seven times, but seventy times seven times. (Matt. 18:22)
Will this make me a doormat?
Maybe… let’s keep reading.
Love is kind
This is the only place in the New Testament
this Greek word for “kindness” is used! Strongs defines it as “to show oneself
mild.” Mild certainly describes
Jesus. He was so kind that he invited
little children to flock to him. Am I
mild? Jesus tells us to humble ourselves as little children in order to enter
the kingdom of heaven. (Matt 18)
Love does not envy
To envy is to “burn with zeal” or have
“earnest desire.” Clarke describes it as
“not being willing for others to be preferred before you.” The Bible says that envy caused the religious
leaders to hand Jesus over to be crucified, because they didn’t appreciate the
crowds following Him (and not them). (Matthew 27). Envy caused Joseph to be enslaved and Abel to
be murdered. This is a hard one for me,
and seems to masquerade as “holy concern.”
For instance, when someone is chosen for a leadership position, I might
find myself saying, “Is she up for that?
That doesn’t really seem to be her gifting.” Wow! My real motivation is not the well-being
of my friend or her ministry, but under it all lurks the root of bitter
jealousy. This root destroys otherwise healthy friendships, and turns me into a
hypocrite—congratulating my friend to her face and bitter in my heart. Jesus tells us to “Rejoice with those who
rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Rom 12:15) That’s real love.
Love does not boast
This is also translated, “love does not
parade itself.” The definition of boasting? “Pride looking for glory.” Although Jesus deserved all glory, He set
aside his own glory to humble Himself and come to earth as a man. (Phil 2:8)
Although He deserved a parade, he cloaked himself in humanity. Likewise, Jesus tells us not to look for
accolades from other people, but instead look to please God for eternal
rewards. "But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand
know what your right hand is doing” (Matt 6:3)
Let your love be anonymous.
Love is not puffed up
Love is not arrogant and self-focused. We can fall into this trap with spiritual
pride. I.E. “look how spiritual I
am!” Jesus is quite the opposite. He says, “Take My yoke upon you and learn
from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your
souls." (Matt 11:29) Jesus’ humility
allows him to offer us rest for our souls.
We will be able to share that rest with others when we focus on serving
others instead of ourselves: “[Let] nothing [be done] through selfish ambition
or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than
himself. (Phil 2:3).
Love does not behave rudely
Rudely might better be defined as
“unbecomingly.” The word is used one other time in 1 Cor. 7:36 in reference to
sexually immoral behavior. The idea is
that love does not mistreat or use others.
In contrast to “using” people for His purposes, Jesus poured out his
life for us. (Tit 3:4-6) We are called to pour out for others, with our time,
resources, and selves. (For I am already
being poured out as a drink offering. 2 Tim 4:6) Instead of sacrificing others for our own
interest, we sacrifice ourselves for the needs of others.
Love does not seek its own
Love does not seek its own
Love does not look out for its own
self-interest. Jesus did not die for us to fulfill His own needs, but to
fulfill our desperate need. (Phil
4:19) In the same way, we should give
preference to one another (Rom 12:10) and look out for the interests of others.
(Phil 2:4)
Love is not easily provoked
Love is not easily provoked
The Greek here does not contain the word
“easily,” so really it should read: Love is not provoked. Not provoked at all! Love does not react when others behave
wrongly. On the cross, Jesus was beaten
and oppressed, but he did not even open His mouth! (Isaiah 53:7) Unlike Moses, who was kept out of the promised land because he was
provoked by the people, we are instructed to “turn the other cheek” when we are
harmed by others. (Luke 6:29)
Love thinks no evil
Love thinks no evil
We certainly have a habit of assuming
others have bad motives, and have a tendency to keep track when others do wrong
to us. Jesus has removed our sins as far
as the East is from the West, (Ps 103:12) and He doesn’t even remember them.
(Isaiah 43:25) How can we assume the best about others and forget the wrongs they
have done? By remembering that God sees all things and will judge with perfect
judgment. (Heb 4:13)
Love does not rejoice in iniquity
Love does not rejoice in iniquity
The proper response to sin was demonstrated
by Jesus. He had sincere sorrow when the
effects of sin (death) overcame his friend Lazarus. Paul points out that godly sorrow produces repentance
leading to salvation. (2 Cor 7:10) May
we sorrow over sin and encourage others to repent, and not rejoice at the sins
of others, or compare our sin with others to make ourselves feel better.
Love rejoices in the truth
Jesus is truth! The truth sets us
free. (John 8:32) Being a truth rejoicer
means that we celebrate when others are set free from the bondage of sin, and
are filled with joy to meditate on and share the news of Jesus. When sin is exposed, we do not gloat or
condemn, but share the truth of salvation and forgiveness!
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things
Spurgeon calls these four qualities, “patience,
faith, hope, and perseverance,” love’s four soldiers. We are able to be patient, faithful, hopeful,
and persevere because we are able to see the cross as more prominent than sin. Spurgeon encouraged that "We rest in
expectation that gentleness will win, and that long-suffering will wear out
malice, for we look for the ultimate victory of everything that is true and
gracious." This ultimate victory
allows us to respond to others with an eternal perspective.
We can have patience
and “bear all things” because "love will cover a multitude of sins."
(1 Peter 4:8). We can believe all things because we are
confident that God will continue the good work of sanctification in each one of
us until he returns (Phl 1:6). We can
hope all things about others because our hope is Jesus himself (1 Tim 1:1)—our hope is not that others will do or
be what we expect. And we persevere
because we know a crown of life awaits us at the end of any suffering. (James 1:12)
May God fill us with his other-centered love and pour it out
on others as we continue to become women who love!
Heart Check
How many of you had major test moments this week as we continued to refine the character of love in our lives? I am right there with you. As your online facilitator, I am constantly reminded that I cannot lead without facing what you face each day. I have to be honest because I do not love everyone in my life to perfection. I wish I did but I fall short most days.
Just this week I had to have a tough conversation with a loved one and another chat with someone that is not so lovely. I prayed for three weeks on how to handle the situation with my loved one and when it came time to express my concerns, God totally intervened. In the past, this person and I have struggled to communicate with love and respect. Needless to say, the conversation was short and sweet. We parted on good terms and I was able to have a pleasant conversation the following day with this person. ~ Thank You, Jesus ~
The not so lovely person is not a believer. They are a leader in the community that God led my husband and I to work alongside. We shared concerns with how a program was being handled and her first response was to attack my cheerful demeanor and intellect. Seriously?!? Let me just say that I was livid but God held my tongue. He was totally in control of the situation and allowed my husband and I not to engage in her banter but convey our thoughts in a clear yet firm manner. By the end of the conversation her demeanor had changed completely. ~ God is Faithful Always in All Ways ~
This study has been challenging yet rewarding and I hope you see the blessing in your own journey with Jesus. May your reflection in the mirror reveal someone who is Patient, Kind, Confident, Humble, Meek, Respectful, Tolerant, Cheerful, Forgiving, Applauding Integrity, Does Not Give Up, Give In, Lose Faith and Always Enduring Through Every Circumstance.
~ May we continue to become women who love what Jesus loves ~
Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday To-Do List
Take a moment today to reflect on the condition of your own heart. Perhaps you have been devaluing your spouse, a loved one, friend or co-worker. If you have spent more time undervaluing someone in your life instead of treasuring them, get alone with God and commit to give Him this person or circumstance.
Share with us today how you chose to write on the heart of someone to express how much you value this special son or daughter of God.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Write On God's Heart
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. Take a look at the comments from last Sunday for ideas. Or use your favorite scripture to write your own love note to God sharing how amazing He is and how He is worthy of our praise today. Now the pen is yours...
Love Notes to OBS Group From West PM Session
The Aha Moment for our group was:
"For without Me you can do nothing - a branch cannot bear fruit by itself."
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Heart Never Forgets
What are you doing this week to memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-7? Share a pic or send an email to
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Week Five Overview: Bearing Fruit (Ch. 4)
By: Kristin Zelov
East Campus AM Session Leader
Audio Recording:
If you have issues accessing the image above, please click on the link below:
PowerPoint Presentation:
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Write On God's Heart
I was recently introduced to the concept of writing on God's heart by my friend Kathe Wunnenberg and I LOVE it! If your tenacity and commitment for God's work has been waning, you could probably benefit TREMENDOUSLY from stopping to refocus on the wonderful character of God.
Before you tackle another hectic week of school, work, family, Bible study and other obligations, set aside quiet time alone with Jesus. Read from His Word, speak openly and honestly with Him about your fears and frustrations. Literally fall back in love with the King of Glory & King of your heart.
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. For example, I would write, "God, thank You for sending Your Son into this world to die for my sins. Because of Your love, I have the promise of a lifetime - eternal life with You." (John 3:16)
Use your favorite scripture or write your own love note to God sharing how amazing He is and how He is worthy of our praise today. Now the pen is yours...
Before you tackle another hectic week of school, work, family, Bible study and other obligations, set aside quiet time alone with Jesus. Read from His Word, speak openly and honestly with Him about your fears and frustrations. Literally fall back in love with the King of Glory & King of your heart.
To write on God's Heart today, use the comment section below to share what you love about God. For example, I would write, "God, thank You for sending Your Son into this world to die for my sins. Because of Your love, I have the promise of a lifetime - eternal life with You." (John 3:16)
Use your favorite scripture or write your own love note to God sharing how amazing He is and how He is worthy of our praise today. Now the pen is yours...
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Love In Action Moments
Look for an opportunity to show love today by making a difference in someone else’s life. Buy coffee or lunch for the person in line behind you. Or take a moment to write on someone's heart by sending an encouraging text or email. Share with the group your M.A.D. (Make A Difference) Moment by posting a comment on the blog. And remember...
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Heart Never Forgets
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Love Notes to OBS Group From East AM Session
Jesus PRAYED FOR US that the love He has for us spills our of us onto those around us. More importantly on those we live with and are around the most. WOW! John 17
1. God chose and determines who is in His family as members. We are called to accept and love who He has chosen.
2. God is not asking for the impossible, only what will equip us.
3. Obedience.
1 John 5
Jesus was selfless and gave everything for us. And was a servant. We need to be servants that love.
As we look to the incomprehensible vastness of creation, we are awed by the vastness of His love for us. He values everyone so much, loves so much, that He went through an agonizing death to demonstrate this love, to redeem us back to God. Not only for us personally but for everyone. We need to see others through God's eyes and with His love.
Miracles of love can happen in our life now. Let Him-
Be obedient. Give Him your consent to transform your heart.
We had 2 situations this week where 2 of our members had encounters with those they deemed hard to love. And in the encounter both ladies responded in love which surprised them. When actually reached out to hug the other person. God is providing divine appointments to love the unlovable.
We don't have to worry about doing the work because when we abide in the vine, the Holy Spirit will guide us and give us everything we need to branch out.
Jesus loves us with the same love He shares with the Father.
1. God chose and determines who is in His family as members. We are called to accept and love who He has chosen.
2. God is not asking for the impossible, only what will equip us.
3. Obedience.
1 John 5
Jesus was selfless and gave everything for us. And was a servant. We need to be servants that love.
As we look to the incomprehensible vastness of creation, we are awed by the vastness of His love for us. He values everyone so much, loves so much, that He went through an agonizing death to demonstrate this love, to redeem us back to God. Not only for us personally but for everyone. We need to see others through God's eyes and with His love.
Miracles of love can happen in our life now. Let Him-
Be obedient. Give Him your consent to transform your heart.
We had 2 situations this week where 2 of our members had encounters with those they deemed hard to love. And in the encounter both ladies responded in love which surprised them. When actually reached out to hug the other person. God is providing divine appointments to love the unlovable.
We don't have to worry about doing the work because when we abide in the vine, the Holy Spirit will guide us and give us everything we need to branch out.
Jesus loves us with the same love He shares with the Father.
Love Notes to OBS Group From West PM Session
Before Jesus died on the Cross to show how much He loved us, He stretched out His arms, hung there and suffered for many hours. As He took His last breath, He must have thought, "I love you this much!" and died. He is our Greatest Example of what unconditional love is...humility and serving others. Knowing that He suffered this painful, agonizing death all because He loved us so much. How can we NOT want to agape love everyone, pick up a towel and serve all? Romans 12:1-3 Diane Hernandez + 12
Week Four Overview: The Source of Love (Chapter 3)
By: Michelle Guevara (Online Facilitator)
What an amazing week we had reviewing the true source of love found in God's Word. As we are confronted with God's truths about where the source of love comes from, I find myself asking what is keeping me from having a responsive heart ready to flourish in agape love. Trending this week online was a blurb from The Huffington Post titled "3 Thing You Have To Give Up To Lose Weight Forever". I admit, I clicked on the link and cracked up when I read the items. They were basically no-brainers. But as I carried on about my day, I thought about how those three obstacles are truly stumbling blocks in my journey with Jesus to Become A Women Who Loves.
#1 The Fast Fix - For dieters, we know this concept well. Our interests pique when we hear that there is a pill or an exercise-free diet plan that will drop us 2 dress sizes in 2 weeks or less. Sign me up, baby! Yet, we all know that true, lasting weight loss does not come with an F.F. guarantee. Yes, there is no such thing as a Fast Fix. And the same is true when we journey with Jesus to love others the way that He does. It is Week Four and if no one has told you yet, let me be the first to say that there are not any quick remedies to loving those that are unlovable in your life. What does Jesus define as real love? It is sacrificial, transforming and empowering. To love someone that is difficult to love most always comes at a cost. Whether it costs your time, treasure or just laying down your pride, loving the unlovable in your life is a sacrifice. But above the sacrifice is the transformation that will take place in your heart and life. You cannot extend love to others that you would easily overlook without a change taking place in your spirit and mind. This transformation is something that is so evident on both sides of eternity. And as if that was not enough, God's Spirit will flood your heart and empower you to keep loving and opening your heart to others. Yes, even those that have truly hurt you. Which leads to obstacle #2.
#2 The Blame Game - I know this stumbling block well. Trust me, I am not sitting in front of my laptop as someone that has it all together and loves everyone the way Jesus loves me. Hello, my name is Michelle Guevara and I am human. I have been hurt and I have messed up and hurt others. I have extended family members that I am distanced from because of things they have done to me, my loved ones or circumstances that were misconstrued. I have played the blame game with God by saying things like, "You know they don't genuinely care about (fill in the blank). Why do I need to help them?" Or, "They treat me and my loved ones like we are beneath them, why should I go out of my way to come alongside of them?" And the answer Jesus provides is simple, "Michelle, you are not loving them in your own strength, but in My Father's strength. Stop looking at what others did or did not do. See beyond the times that you have been overlooked, looked down on or criticized and see people through My eyes." And suddenly, the blame game disappears and I am left with His truth and love.
#3 The Cheat Day - You and I may never fathom the idea of cheating on our spouse or our taxes, but do we think twice about cheating on God? How many times have you ever chosen not to reach out to someone that God laid on your heart? Or chose not to tap into the vine by opening His Word? There are many ways that we can cheat on Jesus during our journey with Him and they are not pretty. We can make excuses, feign a busy schedule serving others, but when our hearts are not anchored on Him, we will never be able to love others the way we should. Instead of seeing ministry or opportunities to serve as a blessing, we will grumble relentlessly and see a Martha-heart growing quickly within. Ladies, this is not a good place to be. If you find yourself in cheat-mode today, take some time to sit quietly before the Lord and really seek His face. Let Him remove this stumbling block out of your way for good and help you BECOME.
I love how 1 Thessalonians 3 reminds us of what love is like when we are tapped in the Source of True Agape Love.
"And may the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows. May He, as a result, make your hearts strong, blameless and holy as you stand before God our Father when our Lord Jesus comes again with all His holy people. Amen." 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13
As we close Chapter Three, let us quiet our hearts before God and check for any stumbling blocks preventing us from BECOMING. For the Fast Fix, may we remember that He makes our hearts strong. For the Blame Game, may we hold fast to the promise that He makes our hearts blameless. For the Cheating Heart, may we embrace the truth that He makes our hearts holy as we stand before Him.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this time to do a quick heart check to ensure that there is nothing preventing us from loving like Your Son loves. May we never forget in our journey to Become Women Who Love the sacrifice you provided through Jesus' death on the cross, the transformation you promised when we repent from our hardened hearts or Your Spirit that empowers us once we invite You in. Thank you for giving us hearts that are strong, blameless and holy. May our time with You in this study continue to be anointed, consecrated and sanctified. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Week Three Overview: A New Commandment (Chapter Two)
By: Michelle Guevara (Online Facilitator)
I don't know about you but I was totally convicted and challenged by this week's reading. The chapter might as well have been titled, "She is Never Ever Willing to Embrace This Commandment". Yes that is my acronym for NEW. I am someone that is guilty of rushing around at a hectic pace, struggling daily to love on those in my life without making them feel like they are an item on my to-do list. I have issues staying fully engaged in what I am doing because my mind is already on to the next item that needs to be completed in two hours, the following day or week. And when I have distractions arise in my day, I wish I could say I display grace under pressure all the time, but I would be lying. So let's be real, Ladies. What is it Jesus is calling us to do in this new commandment? To love others, and not just in our own strength but to love others like He has loved us. Does this cause anyone else to have heart palpitations? I can barely survive one day in my own little world so how can I really love others in a manner that will bless His Heart? The answer is simple and I love how Ephesians 5:1-2 offers some light on the subject:
"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."
Wow! Let's just take that in for a minute. Imitate God in E V E R Y T H I N G you do because you are His. Hello... is this humbling to anyone else? You and I are his dearly loved daughters and we are called to imitate Him in everything we do. We are called to live a life filled with love. Doesn't that statement just make your heart soar? Live a life filled with love by following the example Jesus provided because He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us. AMAZING.
Can I give you an illustration to tuck in your heart as you go about your days at school, work, in ministry or life in general? I heard this quote last year and it transformed my thinking.
A True Servant Of God Is Not The One Reaching For The Top
But The One Reaching For The Towel
This is the love that we need to carry in our hearts to those that are hurting or lost around us. Your fellow classmates, co-workers, loved ones, acquaintances, people you barely speak a word to in the hallway or grocery store all need something - they need a glimpse of Jesus daily.
I am so guilty of striving to be the best at whatever is in front of me - work obligations, ministry opportunities, volunteer commitments, even lame things like creative brainstorming. And yet, when I read this quote, it halted my striving heart and gave me an eternal perspective. If I want to truly bless God's Heart every day, I need to serve those around me. I need to imitate God, recognize my identity as His dearly beloved daughter, live my life like I have been transformed by the Creator and Restorer of all things and remember Jesus' ultimate sacrifice for me. When I keep these truths on the forefront each day, "I find it easier to not be so selfish, to not strive to impress others, to be humble, to think more of others than I think of myself and to take a genuine interest in others." (Philippians 2:3-4)
Heavenly Father, I thank you for reminding me that I am still a work in progress. I love how You open my eyes through Your Word to see that I am not who I used to be and yet not quite who You are transforming me to become. I am Journeying with Jesus every day to become a woman who Imitates, Recognizes, Loves, Follows and Pleases You. You are awesome God and I want to start each morning of my life asking how I can bless Your heart every day. Amen.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
We Have A Winner...
All participants that post a comment each week (Wednesday - Tuesday) are entered in a raffle to win a prize. Congratulations to Week One Winner Lauren and Week Two Winner Ashley. Both have been notified by email. Don't miss out on your opportunity to be entered in the raffle this week! Every comment posted is one submission into the raffle. (Not to Exceed 7 Entries)
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