By: Terry LaFrance (East Campus AM Leader)
How many of you were really challenged this week to LOVE? Yes, I see your hands - Me too! I am not sure I have ever started a Bible study that challenged me so quickly and so deeply.
No matter how many times we’ve read the “Love” chapter, or how well we think we might know it, God is already speaking new truths from it into my heart and hopefully, into my actions:
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
Truly, love IS the greatest of ALL VIRTUES; it is SUPERIOR to all other virtues, to all other commands, to all other actions for those who call themselves followers of Christ. Above all else, God commands us to love people…even the UNLOVEABLE!
In this week’s study, we are reminded of Agape Love. The ancient Greeks had four different kinds of words for love; agape love is the highest love! It is that unconditional love, sacrificial love, a love that expects nothing in return. It is often painful love because it calls for us to react to suffering …with love! In fact, Dr. Alan Redpath (he was a British evangelist) says we get our English word “agony” from the Greek word “agape.” For many of us who were challenged to “be a woman who agape loves” this week- that probably is not surprising!
Here is an additional commentary on agape love I found online from a Baptist Pastor in Alabama: “Agape (giving of one’s self) is totally selfless love, a love which comes from and is rooted in God. Agape is the power that moves us to respond to someone’s needs with no expectation of reward. The fundamental attribute of agape is sacrifice. So it’s not 50/50, it’s 100/0. ‘I’m going to give 100 percent even if I never receive anything in return. I will even sacrifice myself for you. I just want what’s best for you!’”
The true challenge of selfless love can only be accomplished through the power of Jesus. How are we supposed to love when we’re mistreated, attacked, lied to, slandered, cheated, or hurt? Lord, I can’t do that - how can you ask me to love like that?
C.S. Lewis’ example of a host and parasite describe how this type of love is possible. Personally, I prefer to “cling to” John 15 where Jesus teaches that He is the vine and we are the branches:
4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”
Last week, in our small groups, some of us shared the name of someone who was hard for us to love. Maybe this week you said, “I’m going to take on this challenge to Become a Woman who Loves full force…I am going to love that person…I am I am I am….I will love this person…I will I will I will!"
And then you had your first interaction with that person and you found yourself a miserable failure! Listen…STOP focusing on trying to love that person
Instead…just focus on ABIDING in Jesus, absorbing and soaking up all He has for you…like a parasite or a branch, FEED off of HIS LOVE, the most SUPREME VIRTUE…and “snack” off of His other virtues and fruits…His patience, His faith, His kindness…and yes, also …His suffering.
Take a moment now to flip to the inside of the back cover of your book. Write ”Challenge Moment” on the upper half of your page, and “Supreme Moment” on the lower half (see image below for sample):
Take a moment to think of a challenging moment you had this week to love someone…to show love. It could be a stranger who cut you off while driving, or maybe a close family member who said some not so nice words to you. You can write one word to identify the situation or a whole sentence.
Now jot down a few words on how you acted “supremely” by reacting in love to a person or situation. If you didn’t react supremely, write down a one-sentence-prayer asking Jesus to help His love flow through you.
Hopefully as we learn more and more about how to love through this study…you’ll need to add a second page to fit all your Supreme Moments!
Love you all!
I love the quote by the Baptist Pastor. It's not 50/50. What an excellent reminder to love 100% without expecting anything in return. Powerful.